Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Make Your Pregnancy As Healthy As Possible

Make Your Pregnancy As Healthy As Possible

Make Your Pregnancy As Healthy As Possible

Have A Healthy Lifestyle - What Else Can You Do To Make Your Pregnancy As Healthy As Possible ? 

Get Enough Sleep and Rest The amount of sleep you need may change as your pregnancy progresses. In early pregnancy, you may be sleepier than usual because of changes in your hormones. 
During the middle months, you may not need as much sleep. Later, as your baby grows, you’ll use more energy to move around, and you’ll be tired again. In late pregnancy, you’ll probably wake up often during the night.

Relax to Reduce Stress 


When you’re upset or things feel really crazy, take some time for yourself. Learn how to calm your mind and reduce muscle tension. The first step in learning how to relax is to notice how you feel when you are relaxed. For example, pay attention to how your mind and body feel when you’re falling asleep. When you’re drowsy, your muscles are in your muscles) and learning how to relax.

How To Learning to Relax 

1. When first learning to recognize muscle tension, practice in a quiet, calm place. 

2. Open your right or left hand and relax it. Notice how soft the muscles you feel when you release the tension. 

3. Continue, raise your shoulders toward your ears. Notice how you feel when your shoulders are tense. 

4. Lower your shoulders and be relax. Release even more.

5. Continue to tighten and relax other muscles. Really notice how muscles feel when relaxed. Sometimes when you’re stressed, your muscles tighten without your notice. Whenever you notice tension, relax and let go of it. 

6. Take a deep breath and notice how relaxed you can feel. 

Improve Stressful Relationships 


Everyone has stressful relationships in some part of his or her life with family, friends, or people at work. Most relationships have ups and downs. Pregnancy is a time to reduce contact or conflicts with people who cause you stress. 

During pregnancy, you need someone in your life who cares for you and wants to help you. You need someone you trust and can talk to. Your partner, a family member, or a friend may be this person. If not, think of ways to work on those relationships or to make new connections, so you have the support you need. 

It may help to meet other pregnant women by taking classes (prenatal exercise, yoga, or childbirth education) or by attending a pregnancy support group. Ask your caregiver about this. A social worker at the hospital can help you find support groups too.

Getting Help from Others 

What can your partner, family members, and friends do to help you during pregnancy ? 

• learn about pregnancy and how to help you during labor 

• help you eat a healthy diet and avoid harmful behavior • offer to help with household chores when you’re tired 

• enjoy having fun with you (seeing a movie, taking a walk, having a heart-to-heart talk, or laughing together) 

• provide a peaceful, safe home (without fighting, hitting, pushing, or yelling) 


